How to Stop the Quick Reproduction Rate of Rodents

Litter of mice in Albuquerque home - Pest Defense Solutions

One of the most concerning things about a rodent infestationโ€”besides the germs and damage they can causeโ€”is how quickly it can grow. This is because rodents have a rapid rate of reproduction. Seeing even one or two mice here can indicate that you already have a larger infestation. For this reason, itโ€™s imperative to learn how to prevent mice from getting inside and turning your home into their own personal breeding grounds. This is best done by preventing rodents in your property altogether. To learn more, the experts at Pest Defense Solutions are here to share everything you need to know about stopping the reproduction rate of rodents in your home.

How Quickly do Rodents Multiply?

You might not think a couple of mice in your garage is a bad thingโ€”but even a small problem can quickly turn into an infestation. All it takes is one female and one male mouse to kickstart what could be a serious infestation. This is because young mice reach breeding age at 4โ€“6 weeks of age. One mouse can give birth to five or six babies after just a three-week gestation period. These female mice can mate immediately after giving birth, meaning mice can birth a second litter in as little as 25 days after the first. Even worse, they can produce up to 10 litters a year!

Rodent reproduction rate infographic - Pest Defense Solutions in Albuquerque

How to Stop Rodents From Reproducing

To prevent rodents from turning your property into their own personal breeding grounds, you need to learn how to keep mice out altogether. This is best done by making your home or business impenetrable and less attractive to the pests altogether. The top three things you can do to repel mice are:

  1. Block off any easy access pointsโ€”this could mean fixing screens on windows and vents, applying weather stripping on doors, and filling cracks in your plumbing fixtures and roofing.
  2. Clean dishes and spills right away and store your food properly, sealed in airtight containers.
  3. Keep your grass cut short, clear out your yard waste often, and refrain from using mulch near the foundation of your home.

Preventing Rodent Infestations in Albuquerque

No one wants to let a rodent infestation grow worse inside their home or business. This makes it imperative to know how to recognize the early signs of rodents in your property, like droppings or gnaw marks, so you can stop an infestation before it begins. At Pest Defense Solutions, we know how difficult this can be, which is why our rodent exterminators are always happy to help. Contact us today!

5 Facts About Mice and Rats

Rat in Albuquerque NM home - Pest Defense Solutions

Here in New Mexico, rodents are a common pest problem all year long. However, rodents are even more common during the fall and winter months. This is because rodents look to get inside homes or businesses to hunker down throughout the winter. To properly prepare and prevent rodent issues in your Albuquerque property, itโ€™s important to learn about common rodent behaviors this time of year. With Rodent Awareness Week in just a couple of weeks, the experts at Pest Defense Solutions are here to help. Read on to learn the top 5 facts about rats and mice that can help you learn how to keep rodents away for good!

Top Rodent Facts

In order to effectively prevent and get rid of rodents, itโ€™s important to understand their unique behaviors and what makes them pests in the first place. The top things to know are:

  1. Rats and mice can get inside homes easily. Rodents are infamous for squeezing their way into homes. Some young mice can fit into holes that are just 5 mm wide, making any tiny crack or crevice a vulnerability.
  2. Rodents have a rapid rate of reproduction. Rats and mice are highly prolific breeders. Mice can have litters of 5 babies every three weeks, and rats can produce upward of 15 litters a year.
  3. Rodent teeth never stop growing. All types of rodents are identified by their ever-growing incisor teeth, which can grow up to 5 inches per year.
  4. Rodents are scavengers and some are omnivores. Rodents are infamous for devouring anything and everything. Most mice are vegetarians. However, many rats will feed on human or pet food, or anything else they come across!
  5. Rats and mice can carry and spread dangerous diseases. According to the CDC, rats and mice alike have been linked to the spread of over 35 different diseases.

Why Are Rats and Mice Considered Pests?

Rodent infestations are considered dangerous for a number of reasons. For one, wild rats and mice can carry and spread many germs and diseases that can lead to contamination and illness. When rodents infest your home, their population can quickly increase and they can create a real mess inside your home or business with their droppings and nesting. In addition to the mess, rodents can chew on electric wires, which can become a fire hazard. Moreover, a rodent problem can become a hazard in your home, making it important to enlist the help of a pest control expert.

Think You Have a Rodent Infestation?

Here at Pest Defense Solutions, we get a lot of calls about rodents this time of year. The key to rodent control is always prevention. Our rodent control experts will help by implementing rodent exclusion tactics throughout your property. To learn more, contact us today!

What to Know About Rodents During the Pandemic

Rodents are entering Albuquerque NM homes during the pandemic - Pest Defense Solutions

Albuquerque residents are used to dealing with rodent problems year-round. However, if youโ€™re noticing them more than ever this year, youโ€™re not alone. Since the start of the pandemic, rodent infestations havenโ€™t only been on the riseโ€”rats and mice are becoming more aggressive, too! This is due to the fact that their source of food from once fully operating restaurants has now diminished, forcing them to look elsewhere. Unfortunately, elsewhere often means right inside your home. Not only are rodent infestations a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous as well. With Rodent Awareness Week upon us, the team at Pest Defense Solutions is here with tips to keep rodents out of your home during the pandemic and all year long.

The Rise of Rodents During the Pandemic

The shelter in place shutdowns caused an uptick in residential rodent sightings as rats and mice became bolder in their hunt for resources. This has since caused an uptick in infestations and rodent-spread issues. While their presence may be more prevalent than ever, you thankfully do not need to worry about rodents transmitting COVID-19 to you or your family.

That said, rodents still can spread other diseases including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and many more. They also can cause significant damage to your home. With rodents emboldened in the current moment, they will not hesitate to make themselves at home in your home in the coming months. This makes it crucial to protect your property against them now!

6 Ways to Prevent Rats & Mice

To keep you and your family protected from rodents and the dangers they bring, there are several things you can do. Hereโ€™s what to focus on:

  • Securely store food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  • Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.
  • Install mesh screens on your vents. Also, consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  • Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  • Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.
  • Get help from a professional rodent exterminator for more exclusion services.

Rodents in Albuquerque This Fall

Rats and mice are typically a common fall pest, but their infestations are exacerbated by the current pandemic. For assistance with keeping rats and mice out, our rodent control team can help.ย 

How to Keep Rodents Away This Fall

Rodents infest homes in Albuquerque NM in the fall - Pest Defense Solutions

Every year when the seasons change, pest infestations spike. This is especially true for rodents, who get indoors to escape the seasonal changes outdoors in Albuquerque. Like any other type of pest, they will seek out warmth, shelter, and food inside your home. Rats and mice inside arenโ€™t just a nuisance, theyโ€™re dangerous too! Not only are rodents destructive, but they can also spread germs and disease as well. The team at Pest Defense Solutions knows how important it is to keep your family safe from rodents. We also know you want to feel comfortable in your home and enjoy the fall season without worrying about an infestation in your home! Read on to learn our top tips to keep rodents away this fall and all year long.

How Do Rats and Mice Get Inside?

The good news is that itโ€™s rather easy to tell when you have rats or mice in your home. Rodents will take shelter in the attic, basement, and garage. They also will infest kitchens, laundry rooms, and are highly likely to invade your trash cans if given the chance. Mice are able to squeeze through tiny openings, jump, and build nests in just about any room you can imagine. A rat or mouse problem often begins when the rodents get in through your chimney, pipes, air vents, and more. Once theyโ€™re indoors, they can easily spread and cause damage wherever they go.

5 Ways to Keep Rodents Away For Good

Rodents can get inside easily. Itโ€™s important to not only stop their chances of succeeding but also to make your property less attractive to them. Our top tips to prevent rats and mice this fall include:

  1. Cover all vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also, consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  2. Use a tight-fitting lid on your trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  3. Protect your eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.
  4. Store food and items properly. Securely store food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  5. Seal cracks and crevices. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.

Fall Rodent Infestations in Albuquerque

No one wants to deal with an infestation in the fall, especially rodents! Rats and mice alike can spread germs, chew through wires, and cause destruction. If you think you have a rodent problem or want to prevent one altogether, the rats and mice control team at Pest Defense Solutions can help. Contact us today to learn about our rodent prevention services!

The Real Dangers of Rodent Infestations

Rats chew on wires and create hazards in Albuquerque NM homes. New Mexico Pest Control shares info on the dangers of rodents.

Whether you own a home or business in the Albuquerque area, you know that rodents are a problem throughout the entire year. In addition to simply being gross, rats and mice can create a hazardous environment. Perhaps the most dangerous thing about rodents is the fact that they are capable of carrying and transmitting diseases, including hantavirus and salmonella. Because rodent problems are so common in the area all year long, itโ€™s important to learn about the real dangers of rodents.

The Damage Rats & Mice Cause

Rats and mice can wreak havoc in your property with their nesting and chewing habits. These pests arenโ€™t picky and can create a mess digging through your garbage. Additionally, rats have incisors that never stop growing โ€ฆ meaning they never stop chewing! One of the most dangerous things rats chew on are electrical wires. Needless to say, exposed wires can become a fire hazard. Additionally, rats and mice will tear up any type of material to create nests. If you have rodents in your property, you can be sure youโ€™ll have a lot of cleanup to take care of in their wake!

Common Rodent Diseases

In New Mexico and all around the world, there are a number of serious illnesses and health risks tied back to the presence of rodents. These pathogens can be spread directly or indirectly. Mice-borne diseases are spread directly to humans through contact with droppings, saliva, and bites. They are transmitted indirectly through ticks, fleas, and mites. The main three rodent-borne diseases to be aware of include:

  • Hantavirus
    • Most often found in the urine and feces of deer mice, hantavirus can cause symptoms from fever and chills to aches in pains. In serious cases or when it is not treated, it can lead to shortness of breath and kidney failure.
  • Salmonella
    • When rats and mice walk over surfaces, they are tracking dirt and bacteria across other food surfaces. Salmonella, commonly referred to as food poisoning, can cause severe stomach cramps, vomiting, and worse.
  • Rat-bite fever
    • Also known as Streptobacillus, rat-bite fever is usually caused by a bite or scratch from an infected rat. It is also caught by handling infected animals and ingesting food or drink contaminated with the ratโ€™s feces or urine.

How to Get Rid of Rodents in Albuquerque

If you notice the presence of rats or mice inside your property, itโ€™s time to call a rodent exterminator. At Pest Defense Solutions, our mice exterminators have the experience needed to properly get rid of infestations and ensure you are protected from future rodent problems. Our goal is to keep you, your family, and your property safe from the dangers of rodents year-round.

6 Important Pests of 2020

2020 pests to look out for in your Albuquerque NM home this year - Pest Defense Solutions

Hindsight may be 20/20, but when it comes to protecting your family and home against pests this year, you can be proactive with the help of Pest Defense Solutions. We are helping homeowners prepare for the upcoming pest season by offering insight into anticipated pest activity.

At Pest Defense Solutions, we have examined trends, company data and our own field experiences to determine the following six pest predictions. Additionally, we have provided preventative tips to help keep your home pest-free this year.


Disease-spreading mosquitoes, such as the yellow fever mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito, have recently surged in some Western states. These mosquitoes, as well as the common house mosquito, spread diseases such as the Zika virus, West Nile virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). A bite from a mosquito can also spread the parasite that causes heartworm in pets.

Homeowner Tips: West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases, can increase with rising populations. And, mosquitoes only need one tablespoon of water to lay their eggs! To protect yourself and your family, dispose of any standing water around your home and always wear an EPA-approved insect repellent when spending any time outdoors.


Rat populations have increased over the past several years, and this may be partly due to warmer than usual winters. We can expect to see that trend continue as rodent populations, especially in suburban areas, increase. Warmer winters, a booming construction pipeline, lack of sanitation control, and lack of affordable housing are all issues that have advanced the swell of recent rat activity.

Homeowner Tips: To prevent rodents from entering your home, utilize the following prevention tips: Keep shrubs and trees cut back from home, especially thick ground cover that can serve as hiding places for rats. Ensure that trees do not overhang, touching the roof of your home. Seal any exterior openings larger than a nickel with rodent-proof material such as hardware cloth or flashing. Finally, seal and tie trash bags, placing them into garbage cans with tight-fitting lids.


Termites are one of the most destructive pests, causing homeowners in the United States $6 billion in property damages each year. These wood-destroying pests are a constant challenge for homeowners in the Western U.S., and this year, termites could prove to be even more damaging. The experts at Pest Defense Solutions have seen an increase in activity from subterranean and dampwood termites in many areas this year.

Homeowner Tips: Earth-to-wood contact provides an avenue for termites to enter homes and structures. To deter termites, eliminate soil to wood contact and avoid moisture accumulations near your homesโ€™ foundation. Termites can be present for years before homeowners ever see signs of their activity, causing considerable and costly damage. Avoid these costs by having a termite protection plan in place. Speak to your pest control provider about risk and protection options for your home.


Cockroach populations have increased dramatically over the past several years, due in large part to warmer weather and increased rainfall. Cockroaches carry diseases, infest stored food, and then spread these diseases through their excrement. Cockroach removal is vital as infestations can be serious if not taken care of in a timely manner.

Homeowner Tips: To deter an infestation, cockroach-proof your home by sealing small cracks and crevices around windows and door frames with a silicone-based caulk. Keep a clean kitchen, sweeping, mopping and wiping up any spills. Check that door seals, including the one on your garage, are in place and intact. If youโ€™re experiencing cockroach problems, speak with your pest control professional to determine the best solution for your home.


If you have noticed more flies this past year, you are not alone. Although they’re more active in the summer, house flies reproduce year-round. Filth flies โ€“ house flies, bottle flies, flesh flies โ€“ generally live and breed near human habitats and their numbers have increased in recent years. Increasing population density, waste management practices that havenโ€™t kept pace with growth, and a general trend toward a warming climate for the fly pressure all contribute to increasing this disease-spreading insect.

Homeowner Tips: The house fly and other types of โ€œfilth fliesโ€ are not only nuisance pests; they also have the potential to spread the disease to humans and animals. To protect yourself and your family, repair any damaged screens on windows and doors. Keep trash stored away from your home and make sure that all trash cans have tight-fitting lids.


Spiders are carnivores, eating other insects and thriving in wet environments. Increased moisture leads to an increase in the insects that spiders eat as a food resource. Heavy rain and warmer temperatures have created the perfect conditions for insects and spiders to flourish. Although beneficial for our ecosystem, most people prefer spiders to stay outside where they belong.

Homeowner Tips: To keep spiders out of your home, keep food put away in tightly sealed storage containers. This will help eliminate ants, roaches and other pests, which will leave spiders with no food source. If the thought of spiders lurking is alarming, try changing your white outdoor light bulbs to yellow light bulbs, which attract fewer insects that can serve as food for the spiders. There are a few species of spiders that can live indoors and need to be controlled by spider removal experts.

The experts at Pest Defense Solutions agree that a proactive approach can help eliminate pest issues before they appear. With these pest predictions in mind, take time to evaluate your current pest control plan and make sure that you have the protection you need to protect yourself and your family from pests this year.