Little Black Ant


Actual Size: 1.5 – 2 mm

Characteristics: Tiny; dark brown to black. Shiny appearance.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings:ย The reproductive males and females have wings.

Habitat: Prefers wooded habitats, near stumps, trees, piles of lumber, or bricks. Nest indoors in wall voids, cabinets, masonry, and under carpeting.


  • Known to eliminate small red imported fire ant colonies.
  • Forage into homes from outdoors and will nest in wall voids.
  • Swarms are common from June to August, as they forage for food around sidewalks and trails.ย 




Little Black Ants in Albuquerque NM

The little black ant is a common structural pest in the Albuquerque area, living in large colonies that may contain several queens. Little black ants are not normally associated with indoor colonies. Normally, ants make their way inside homes or structures in search of food, from outdoor colonies. Omnivores, little black ants eat both plant animal food sources. They forage for sweets, meats, grease, insects, and even feed on bird feces. Resilient ant pests, little black ants can be difficult to eliminate.

Little Black Ant Habitat

Common in wooded areas, little black ant infestations originate outdoors and can be traced back to any protected area, like a log, garden, fence, or pile of lumber or bricks. Indoors, little black ant colonies will construct nests in woodwork, wall voids, cabinets, and under carpeting. Additionally, they may nest in landscape mulch and under stones. At high populations, little black ants may spread throughout a structure, invading nearly every crack and crevice.

Little Black Ant Behaviors, Threats or Dangers

Although little black ants have a stinger, it is generally too small to do any damage. However, they can become a considerable nuisance when they invade a home in large numbers. Little black ants are small bullies and have been known to eliminate small red imported fire ant colonies. While they prefer to nest outdoors, their small size allows them to gain access under windowsills, beneath carpets and floorboards, and any crevice Inside your house. If a little black ant infestation is suspected, it is recommended to consult aย licensed ant exterminator.