Bed Bug


Actual size:ย Less than 6 mm

Characteristics:ย Oval, flat and mahogany brown to reddish-brown.

Legs:ย 6

Antennae:ย Yes

Wings:ย No

Habitat: Single-family homes, apartments, hotels, hospitals, schools and college campuses, office buildings, retail stores, movie theaters, and even public transportation.


  • It requires a blood meal to reproduce.
  • Nocturnal pests, feeding at night when their hosts are sleeping.
  • About the size of an apple seed, their bodies can appear larger after feeding.

Bed Bugs in Albuquerque NM

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that feed exclusively on the blood of humans and mammals. Small and agile, bed bugs can be found throughout the Albuquerque area. These pests remain well hidden in cracks and crevices located in places where they are not likely to be disturbed. Typically feeding at night while their hosts lay fast asleep, bed bug bites are painless and rarely detected at the time of feeding activity. Hungry bed bugs may also feed during the daytime, especially if this is when the occupant normally sleeps.

Bed Bug Habitat

Living in almost any crevice or protected location, bed bugs most often inhabit areas where humans rest or sleep for extended periods of time. Often times, bed bugs are unknowingly transported from one place to another as people travel. These blood-sucking pests conceal themselves in the seams and folds of luggage, overnight bags, bedding, furniture, and anywhere they can hide. Bed bugs can be found in homes, hotels, and apartment buildings. Schools, medical facilities, and other areas frequented by the public are also popular locations where bed bugs can occur.

Bed Bug Behaviors, Threats or Dangers

Bed bugs are not known to spread disease, however, because they feed on humans while we are sleeping, they can be a real annoyance. Dealing with bed bugs can lead to anxiety and loss of sleep. The first sign of a bed bug infestation is typically bites on the skin. The appearance of small brownish dots on the bed is another indication of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs gain access to people through used furniture, bedding, luggage, or objects that move from place to place. Controlling bed bugs is not a DIY job and if you think you may have an infestation, contact a professional bed bug exterminator.