When is Termite Season in Albuquerque?
In Albuquerque and all across the nation, termites are active throughout the year. Some people call the springtime termite season, as this is when termites will often swarm.
While it depends on their environment and climate, termites are able to be active at all times of the year. This makes them a threat to homes and properties during all seasons of the year. Even if you don’t spot swarming termites in the spring or summer, they are still active as ever infesting structures (including during the fall and winter).
Do Termites Prefer Warm Weather?
Termites thrive in warmer climates, like the one here in Albuquerque. Most types of termites prefer daytime temperatures between 70 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The Eastern subterranean termite is drawn to rainy weather, making them common in the springtime. Termites generally swarm on a warm afternoon after a rainy day with no wind present. They can survive in the fall and winter months but typically keep their swarming activity to the warmer months of the year.
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Can Termites Survive the Winter In New Mexico?
Yes, termites can survive in the colder months of the year, but they may hunker down and be slightly less active. Here’s what termites do in the colder months of the year:
- During the fall, termites seek out wood or soil locations that they can easily burrow through to protect themselves from colder weather.
- To protect themselves from freezing temperatures, they will dig deeper into the soil, although the interior of your home has everything they need to survive through the winter months.
- The queen termite will continue to produce and lay eggs on mild days, even during the winter.
- Although termites will likely not be seen between the months of December and February, termites are still actively reproducing and tunneling through wood.
Are Termites More Common in the Summer?
Due to our weather in New Mexico, termites are a year-round pest problem. While they certainly may be more active in the spring and summer months, termites have the ability to damage your home all year long. Because of their year-round presence, it’s all the more important to team up with a professional termite control company for regular inspections and treatments.
When Is Termite Season in Albuquerque NM in Albuquerque NM?
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